Ascending Peculiarities

Ascending Peculiarities, Wuggly Umps, Nosebleeds, and Other Happenings: The Sublime, Absurd, and Mystical Mr. Gorey presented a selection of the sublime, absurd, and mystical tales of Edward Gorey, in conjunction with Musings of Mystery and Alphabets of Agony: The Work of Edward Gorey, an exhibition of over 700 books, book jackets, prints, posters, original drawings, postcards, handmade dolls, and other ephemera gathered from the John A. Carollo–Edward Gorey Collection housed in the University of Hawai’i at Manoa.

Ascending Peculiarities, was staged on October 22, 2010, at Orvis Auditorium on the University of Hawai’i campus and featured Nyla Fujii-Babb, Faye Anne Chun, Wayland Quintero, and Dann Seki under the direction of Tim Slaughter.